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Sleeper were never a massive band compared to some others but they delivered 3 excellent albums. They have reformed after 20 years and their new and album landed at number 18 a few weeks ago. Here is the full video from their fantastic gig at the Forum a few weeks back. It was f***ing fabulous.

Sleeper were never a massive band compared to some others but they delivered 3 excellent albums. They have reformed after 20 years and their new and album landed at number 18 a few weeks ago. Here is the full video from their fantastic gig at the Forum a few weeks back. It was f***ing fabulous.

The Manics hated their guts but then again they like me hate everyone.
i'm gonna reminisce a lil bit, all delivered eulogistically

oh manchy, you ole bird of the gutters. look at ya. what has become of ya in the meantime? lookin like somehting from the glossy brochure. is it still the anger drivin you forwards, or backwards, maybe?
you made me feel at home when i thought there was none for me, back then in the 20th century, when i was tiptoeing through the world, blissfully unaware. do you still remember? do you still exist?

i inhaled your exhaust fumes, i drank your stale beer with the lads from union street, in the early afternoon, when everyone else pretended to be busy.
"oh, look at 'im, 'ee loves smellin 'is cock!", the old beggar cat-called at the young businessman rushing by who still was able to feel some embarrassment.
i loved your warehouses, manchy, "why dont you buy one then?", the pale mancunian scolded me indignantly. embarrassment at every turn.
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a giant red brick coffin waitin for the blown-up giant to touch the sky and then lie down. you showed me my future in your past.
your future was my past, in one way or the other, like watching disney films on television
in a prison cell / next photo, please...
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i always drew a lot of energy from your canals, for whatever reason. they were embedded in history, like the roman roads traversing the heath in a thomas hardy novel.
your bridges embodied protection, where none was to be found elsewhere.
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a war zone protected by the giants of steel and pillared triumphalism
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i inserted your landscape into mine and left you forever internally modified.

(thanks to my lonely bench for the inspiration)

Touristy as fook and not the real manc of course but it works for someone who wants to portray herself as a successful author. Manchester is and always will be a shithole and they are kind of proud of that.

It is not a place that would ever work for someone who is sober. Your hate for the english tells me your german genes are aryan.

Achtung baby!

(this constant need for unknowing tourists to pretend that locals anywhere love or are proud of the place they come from. Guess she never heard every manc band slag off the place like it was hell. "Just a place we come from" they all said and that is the best way to tackle the awful reminder of where you come from and have to survive).

I'd never set foot there ever again.
bon jovi emorama fatguyinalittlecoat rulz gr8 tags i have good taste i have terrible taste nugz luvs dmb nugz luvs phish post-count increaser r kellz lyk wut robby=follower she who has good taste this thread is toxic who nose yannisbad ydw an ipod
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