Kevin Cummins tweets thoughts on Morrissey

More spewing from people using Morrisseys name to get Twitter hits. This is what saddens me. More dragging behind and not pointing ahead.
If I disagreed with Morrissey,which I don't, I um...would say nothing! How about that.

The world is 90% heavily obese but no one mentions that. Low self esteem due to fatness leads to jealousy, diabetes, heart disease, excess flatulence. and money problems. And no one wants to sit with you on a plane. That is worse than racism.
You're a sheep. An unquestioning sheep. You probably belief the Labour Party are going to solve all the world's problems and we'll all sit round and sing " Kum Ba Yah" or "I'd like to Teach the World to Sing". Ain't gonna happen.

For someone so ugly, you look like how a person looks when they sew thier reflection in the back of a spoon, you have a high opinion of yourself
Kevin Cummins charges Salford Lads club every time they sell a postcard or badge with his Smiths Salford Lads Club image. Those guys are working for free to keep that lovely place open, but he gets a cut from every item sold that uses his image. Salford Lads Club survives because of people's generosity of time and money. I know how royalties work, but he could do the decent thing and let them keep their few pence.
Kevin Cummins was not the photographer of The Smiths for The Queen Is Dead inside sleeve and therefore doesnt make a penny from any merchandise the Lads Club sell.

The photographer was actually Stephen Wright (who has - before you claim otherwise - given lots of images and use of the picture for free for t shirts etc many times).
So you are way off target with your comment.
Do you ever wonder why you get such pleasure from reading 'bad' news about Morrissey? And then spreading it with a big smirk? And then slagging off anyone who disagrees? If I hated someone that much I wouldn't be bothered following everything they do and say. What a waste of time. Ours, I mean.


There is a right way and a wrong way. There is hate and the opposite of hate. If you don't know me by now...
Day by day Morrissey is cutting a very isolated and lonely figure. Nobody in the UK wants to know him anymore. What few fans remain are perfectly entitled to be, it is a free country and not only do we have free speech, we have free choice, broadly speaking.

For an intelligent man, on his current statements he offers only the ramblings of an ill informed internet “Truther” screwball. And therein lies the problem. He has fallen down that hole. He doesn’t watch the news. He doesn’t read the news. Two actions not without fair reason with our modern corrupt media, but problematic now nonetheless. No, Morrissey informs himself with YouTube Conspiracy Theorists nowadays. The Tin Foil hat brigade. He conducts interviews for the Youth wing of UKIP, a party so far aligned to the right that it’s Founders and former Leaders have abandoned it in shame.

He uses the tried and tested counter attacks in his defence. All of which fail any scrutiny. Morrissey has Freedom of Speech. He has never been censured. In fact he could do with someone close to hand advising him to curtail that freedom to put his foot in his mouth, if only for his own sake. However, that circle is ever decreasing.
I see Billy Bragg chipped in on this Twitter exchange as well. Kinda funny how back when Morrissey was - quite literally - calling for Margaret Thatcher's death, the extreme left were queuing up to give him a reach-around, and now they are all 'words have consequences, you can't say anything mean about Islam' etc. Bunch of f***ing hypocrites.
Nazi Pete, King of Bradford
So a gay man is suppose to just be happy that Islam is flooding in? Why is it that the gay man has to shut up and accept when it’s islam that is the problem? It’s such twisted logic.
So a gay man is suppose to just be happy that Islam is flooding in? Why is it that the gay man has to shut up and accept when it’s islam that is the problem? It’s such twisted logic.

That’s quite a position you’ve contorted yourself into by way of a defence. Full marks for effort, but no marks for impact. You tried. You failed. Nice try.

There is a right way and a wrong way. There is hate and the opposite of hate. If you don't know me by now...

You are seriously deluded. What makes you any different from someone like Trump, for example? You both rely on hyperbole, venom and vulgarity to express yourselves. You may think you're fighting for different causes, but you both resort to anti-intellectual demagoguery to make your case. If you were as genuinely opposed to hate as you say, then you would reject it regardless of whether it came from the right or the left.

Yet you seem to attack and dismiss anyone defending Morrissey as an extremist or a "Nazi" and then feel morally justified in demonising and spewing hate at them. But your basic premise is wrong - most of these people are moderates and/or liberals who just have a more nuanced, arguably more sophisticated take than you are capable of. Meanwhile, you act like the most hateful, illiberal, bigoted person on the site.
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That’s quite a position you’ve contorted yourself into by way of a defence. Full marks for effort, but no marks for impact. You tried. You failed. Nice try.

Someone’s peace through sexuality means more to me than someone’s bullshit anti gay religion. And that goes for all religions since you’re kind likes to play the “but not just Islam” card. Why would a gay man want his country flooded with people who believes he should die??? You’re a homophobe is what you are.
There is hate and the opposite of hate.

"To a Progressive, there is hate and there is love and there is nothing in between. They live in a world that does not contain mild disapproval, grudging acceptance, resigned acquiescence, cool indifference, an open willingness to be persuaded, nor any other intermediate shade of opinion. Opinionwise, theirs is a binary world. There is love, and there is hate."
-John Derbyshire
Well I DO care. I care when some person who is held in reverence by many give by words a justification to others that it's OK to hate. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Many are not as independently thinking as you, many look to others for guidance. And I have seen over and over again how that guidance leads to hate against others who never asked for the consequences. I care that people get affected through no fault of their own, and I am not going to sit back and let that happen. Hate and hateful politics needs to be challenged.

What a f***ing absolute tosspot you are! All you so is spout hate 24/7 you hypocritical twat!
Maybe if we all just hold hands and sing Imagine by John Lennon and just love each other - then all the bad people in the world will just go away...

There is a right way and a wrong way. There is hate and the opposite of hate. If you don't know me by now...

Er, you hate racism? Or so you keep telling / shouting / advertising.

You're spreading hatred then, aren't you? Hatred of racists. And who defines a racist? You do. Judge, jury, and executioner. Nice.

Life is grey - not black and white.

Oh, and from a psychological point of view you're most probably really racist yourself deep down as you seem to see racism everywhere. It's called an 'ego defence mechanism'. Read up about it - you might learn something.
just when you think the uk has sunk to its lowest form there is a thing which has been forced on us for the last three weeks,i give you WUMMINS FITBA.
arise sir phillip of Neville.
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