Love Music Hate Racism event by Dave Haslam - Manchester, same night Morrissey plays (July 8, 2018)

Ex-Hacienda DJ Dave Haslam is throwing a free party to coincide with Morrissey’s forthcoming visit to the city. He says the party, featuring more than a dozen of the city’s top DJs is “in response to Morrissey’s divisive views, and his support for the far-right.”

Morrissey has attracted controversy for a host of remarks and opinions – including undermining the #metoo campaign and claiming there’s “no difference between eating animals and paedophilia”.

In recent years, the ex-Smiths singer’s views on race have become particularly strident. Morrissey has described the Chinese people “a sub-species”, heavily criticised Angela Merkel for opening German borders to refugees, and has gone on record supporting far-right figures like Anne Marie Waters and EDL founder Tommy Robinson. He does, however, claim to have “Muslim friends”.

“Manchester is our home, it’s a city built on immigration, a city with an amazing legacy of great bands and wonderful clubs,” says Haslam. “Music brings people together. Strangers become brothers, sisters. All this positivity spreads into the city and beyond.”

Haslam points out Manchester’s solidarity and sense of community in the aftermath of the Manchester Arena attack, which he contrasts with Morrissey’s pronouncements; “Morrissey hasn’t lived in the city for thirty years – he lives abroad in tax exile – and has now joined the ranks of various right-wing politicians, tax exiles, tabloids, and media hate-slingers seeking to divide our community.

“There are counter arguments. There are many of them. But for now, I’ve decided to counter the hate by throwing a free party, a celebratory all-dayer of beautifully diverse soul-filled, hope-filled music…”

The event on Sunday July 8th, entitled ‘One Nation Under A Groove’ will take place at Revolution on Deansgate Locks from 3pm until midnight.

DJs include DJ Paulette (Flesh), Dom (Blood & Fire), and Irfan Rainy (Community). In addition, Haslam himself is joining forces with Elliot Eastwick and Jason Boardman to resurrect the hugely successful ‘Yellow’ brand as a one-off for the event.

Admission is free, but a collection will be taken, which will be donated to the charity Love Music Hate Racism.

“It might not be coincidence that the venue is just a few hundred yards from where Morrissey is playing,” admits Haslam.

“Morrissey fans on their way to or back from his concert are more than welcome,” he says.

+++ Facebook event page with full DJ line-up here;


An anonymous person posted the link:

Dave Haslam throws 'positive protest party' against Morrissey at the same time as his Manchester gig - Manchester Evening News
“Morrissey fans on their way to or back from his concert are more than welcome.”

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Where did the Music gangsters in the Hacienda get the guns????? I thought the wonderful
gun laws prevented such a thing from happening, yet gangsters packing guns at a dance club?


Where they Islamic gangsters?
The powers that be want to keep the poor poor, keeping them at minimum wage and in place. But many people can't grasp that and instead ask for 15 an hour for entry level work. There's enough people willing to work entry level or unskilled jobs for minimum wage, so it stays the way it is. That's why I fear poor voters more than any other. They're hungry, they're depressed, they're vicious. They'll swallow any bullshit promises fed to them by a candidate (cough cough Trump) and be too stupid to see the obvious screwjob awaiting them.

Here is the thing, Trump just didn't happen overnight, Trump was a result 25 years in the making. I've often referred to that 5 minute excerpt from Michael Moore's Trumpland where he absolutely nails it. I'm sure you will have seen it. 16 of the past 24 years were under a Democratic presidency and 8 under a Republican. My contention is if the country was going in the right direction then a phenomenon like Trump simply couldn't have happened. It happened because millions of Americans felt a sense of outrage over what they saw happening to their country and it wasn't just middle aged white men. Trump did better than expected with women, blacks, latinos and even outperformed his expected numbers with Muslims!

What the MSM and The Left have never really bothered to ask was WHY Trump happened, they just jumped straight into Russian collusion mode as they sought an easier answer than the one right in front of them; that being that maybe millions of voters didn't like their policies nor felt the country was going in the right direction. Of all the commentators I've watched it was actually only Russell Brand (whom I politically disagree with about many things) who actually took the time in one of his YT videos almost straight after the election to say let's not blame Trump but lets stop and try and figure out what made people vote for Trump. I felt is really insightful. Trump is a symptom not the problem, you have to be prepared to have that honest conversation about how the problem came to be.

Same with Brexit, that wasn't a result that occurred overnight nor just because Nigel Farage is a good salesman. It's tempting to blame someone like Farage and say he conned folks, but if people were happy to begin with his pitch should've had little or no effect. After all there was enough media coverage biased against him to drown him out. I was back in the UK recently and took the time to speak with as many folks as I could casually about Brexit and the state of London: cabbies, shop workers, hotel staff etc and the people that voiced concern over Europe and wanted out, they sure didn't seem like racists or islamophobes to me, although some did voice concerns over things like knife attacks and grooming gangs. Mostly though they seemed like decent hard working folk that saw house prices rising, neighbourhoods changing, violence increasing, the NHS failing, some these phenomenons they felt were 20 years in the making and some they felt had been more recent trends.

Thanks to Charlie and Reel for their reasoned debate, I felt both made valid points and most importantly after a decent discourse some middle ground was found as well. I suspect the answer to what I've just discussed in London lies somewhere in the middle of the points they were both making.
They can’t be that serious of gangsters if all they do is threaten with no follow through...

And with that you prove what an idiot you are. Do some research. Never heard of Gunchester? They were serious gangsters. As is the way with gangsters, they don’t live long as other gangsters kill them.
This doesn't seem to relate very well to your original post. Read it back to yourself slowly. What's the "this sort of thing" that you're so embarrassed about? It can, surely, only be the sort of thing that is similar to a music event with an anti-racism theme, given that that's the topic of the thread, which you then go on to mischaracterise with all your nonsense about spicy food and so on. There may or may not be valid ways to critique the event. But, were you to go along, I can guarantee you that no-one is going to call you out for not having a tikka wrap in your hand, and there will be no workshops on learning to appreciate ritual beheadings. And, insofar as the event may or may not be to do with Morrissey, it's not because he has legitimate concerns or because he is labouring under various misapprehensions, regardless of whether either or both of those things is true. It's a weird thing indeed, but the trouble with Morrissey that makes him the target of this sort of thing is that he is now a prominent far-right activist.

The ‘sort of thing’ I was referring to wasn’t the event or the ‘Love Music, Hate Racism’ cause. They’re admirable. My problem is with the blog post itself. Given the ‘party’ is an anti-racism event, why bring Morrissey into it, at all? Unless we are to believe that Morrissey’s recent pronouncements categorically identify him as a racist. I disagree with Morrissey’s position on immigration. I wouldn’t consider voting for For Britain. I think Tommy Robinson’s a bell-end. But I don’t think Morrissey is a racist.

The blog post is an exercise in water-muddying. Morrissey has joined the ranks of the hate-slingers! Has he? Morrissey’s a tax exile! So what? He thinks eating meat is the same as f***ing a child! Does he? He criticised Angela Merkel’s immigration policies! Dear, God, no! And all of this sits within the context of an anti-racism event, as if the entire event is being held to protest against Morrissey. Bizarre and ridiculous.

As someone who has been in a ‘mixed-race’ relationship for 30 years, I’ve encountered racism. It’s ugly and dangerous. I’ve seen the pain it causes in the faces of my loved ones. I’ve fought racists, and not just figuratively.

The ‘sort of thing’ I was referring to was the ongoing trivialisation of racism by people on the left, using it as a label to slap on anyone with an unpalatable opinion and as a means of shutting down debate. The only beneficiaries will be (and have been) the far right.
I guess for me the racism issue arises when you have people who only talk about Islam and listening to them you'd think they were big into women's rights or gay rights or victims of sexual abuse but when it comes down to it these people don't give a f*** about any of those things, it's just the Pakistani's and Africans they don't like.

Morrissey's the perfect example, celebrity nonces are just clumsy romantics to him. When a white terrorist goes on the rampage he makes a point about it being no worse than what happens in KFC every day. I don't remember him ever having a point on all the peadophile rings filled with white guys.

You can have a conversation with some right wingers on here about immigration or Islam but it always gets derailed by the f***wits.

The fact is when enough resources are thrown at something people will buy into it. You talk about the referendum, all I can remember is wall to wall bullshit from both sides in the media. I don't know how the magical left were responsible for that.
I wasn't referring to the referendum campaign itself, which (with the exception of Jeremy Corbyn's balanced approach) was a shitshow of scaremongering and strident rhetoric. I meant the years of belittling people with concerns about immigration leading up to the referendum.
White and from Wythenshawe

Did he stab you because you tried to pay him in cheeseburgers or something?

And with that you prove what an idiot you are. Do some research. Never heard of Gunchester? They were serious gangsters. As is the way with gangsters, they don’t live long as other gangsters kill them.

So I’m supposed to believe these are “serious gangsters” when you’ve essentially told me they couldn’t intimidate a couple of nightclub fairies and then were subsequently murdered? Lol.
Morrissey confirms his outsider status.

protests outside his gigs.

From a distance he remains the main event.

His words have their own gravity and they pull all sorts in.

Isolation and preservation are the constant unchanging themes in his work

He casts a long shadow as he rings his bell

Bring out your dead and dying children

The circus is in town

The high wire act

The sword sallower

The bearded lady

The lonesome sparrow

Do not ask for whom the bell tolls

liberty, justice and beauty

it tolls for tee
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Morrissey confirms his outsider status.

protests outside his gigs.

From a distance he remains the main event.

His words have their own gravity and they pull all sorts.

Isolation and self preservation are the constant unchanging themes in his work

He casts a long shadow as he rings his bell

Bring out your dead and dying children

The circus is in town

The high wire act

The sword sallower

The bearded lady

The lonesome sparrow

Do not ask for whom the bell tolls

liberty, justice and beauty

it tolls for tee

Where’s the “Unofficial Video” for this, bro?
Did he stab you because you tried to pay him in cheeseburgers or something?

So I’m supposed to believe these are “serious gangsters” when you’ve essentially told me they couldn’t intimidate a couple of nightclub fairies and then were subsequently murdered? Lol.

He didn't stab me, he slashed across my stomach as he was trying to get away from some guys trying to restrain him.
Did he stab you because you tried to pay him in cheeseburgers or something?

So I’m supposed to believe these are “serious gangsters” when you’ve essentially told me they couldn’t intimidate a couple of nightclub fairies and then were subsequently murdered? Lol.

Not sure why you are trying to be a smart arse but these were the sorts of people involved

Violence was common, and frequently brutal. Coghlan was associated with some of Britain's most renowned gangsters to take control of the Hacienda, including Paul Massey, who was shot dead last year, and Damien Noonan, who police believed to be behind 25 murders at the time of his death in 2005. They saw the club as territory that needed protecting.

Suddenly the UK had been overrun by MASS ARMED GANGSTERISM.
Not in the USA where people carry guns but in the UK where there are
strict gun laws. Thats amazing.:straightface: Just like that as if there is nothing unusual
from having strict gun laws to armed gangsters milling inside the gay club.
Hardly to be expected.
I dont see any gangsters in that video? I was hoping to catch a glimpse
of some of them waving Lugers around or something.... bummer.
But like Chezz likes to say, just because ONE gangster is bad and shot
someone, doesnt mean ALL gangsters are bad. You cant judge the many
thru the action of a couple :rolleyes: Thats Chezz 101:crazy:. In addition, it would
be wrong to separate the gangsters from their kids should they ever be
arrested.:straightface: Specially if they happen to be Muslim gangsters.

The DJ, the brave DH who is doing the Free Islamic Event had to fend
off the evil gangsters with vinyl. He lived to tell the story and set up
this scam across the street from the legitimate Moz gig.:thumb:

Ask yourself, how would your ancestors from 2 billion years ago feel about all this?:rofl:
Not sure why you are trying to be a smart arse but these were the sorts of people involved

Violence was common, and frequently brutal. Coghlan was associated with some of Britain's most renowned gangsters to take control of the Hacienda, including Paul Massey, who was shot dead last year, and Damien Noonan, who police believed to be behind 25 murders at the time of his death in 2005. They saw the club as territory that needed protecting.

You haven’t got a clue you.
Stop acting all aggressive and in the know,: you’re not.

That story above was bollocks

I thought an ancestor was a person not an entire geographical population.:crazy:
Besides a thousand years ago, the French were in France AND England.:crazy:

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