Morrissey and Marr is DEAD

GET OVER IT. I mean, honestly, who truly wants it to be 1987 again? I liked the Smiths back then but wouldn't want to hear M&M (good name for any new collaboration - Eminem 2!) in their middle age do old great songs about their youth and em-bare-ass themselves. It's been 22 YEARS since they broke up. The only people who want this reunion are people who want to relive their depressed youths, or kids who never got to see them. The kids would never be able to relate to men of M&M's age onstage, though they would appreciate the musicianship, I'm sure.

And imagine...what if they came back out with stuff and it was shite? That would crush many a wistful wishful wishfuel wishfool dream I'm sure. Their symbiotic synergy and energy has now been broken for over two decades. It's like a pair of intense dramatic youthful lovers, in a way, who go their separate ways and then get back much later in life with their early first love. It's never going to be the same, because the years and other people and places and faces have left traces of themselves on something which was once quite innocent and pure, before court battles, before jobbing musicianship, before songs about blowjobs in taxis.

GET OVER IT. I mean, honestly, who truly wants it to be 1987 again? I liked the Smiths back then but wouldn't want to hear M&M (good name for any new collaboration - Eminem 2!) in their middle age do old great songs about their youth and em-bare-ass themselves. It's been 22 YEARS since they broke up. The only people who want this reunion are people who want to relive their depressed youths, or kids who never got to see them. The kids would never be able to relate to men of M&M's age onstage, though they would appreciate the musicianship, I'm sure.

And imagine...what if they came back out with stuff and it was shite? That would crush many a wistful wishful wishfuel wishfool dream I'm sure. Their symbiotic synergy and energy has now been broken for over two decades. It's like a pair of intense dramatic youthful lovers, in a way, who go their separate ways and then get back much later in life with their early first love. It's never going to be the same, because the years and other people and places and faces have left traces of themselves on something which was once quite innocent and pure, before court battles, before jobbing musicianship, before songs about blowjobs in taxis.

I'm with you.
As a massive Suede fan seeing The Tears on stage broke my heart - the tunes were crap and they clearly still had bitter feelings towards each other. I could not bear to see Moz n Marr (who i hold in higher regard) do the same....
In my (humble) opinion, Morrissey is an amazing artist in his own right, I just want to see him solo as he has been for so long continuing doing what he's doing. I never saw The Smiths live, I wish I had, but no matter how much I wish it I could never be in the Glasgow Barras circa 1984 being crushed down the front so if I can't have that I wouldn't want some stadium substitute circa 2010.
Would I go if it it happened? Of course I would! It would never live up to what it would need to be though, it couldn't possibly.
So I would take a Scottish date on the Swords Tour instead. Unfortunately that seems as likely...
Me three, I got over it a long time ago.
It just saddens and annoys me to see fans clutching at reunion straws. I listen to The Smiths/Moz on a regular basis but anything they did today just wouldn't be the same. Sadly. And this whole thing disregards Joyce and O'Rourke's involvement in the band and their contributions anyway, putting the fans who want a reunion sans them firmly on the side of Moz in the court case (who wished one of the other two in the case, can't remember which, a "painful death" if I recall correctly). It's just pointless. Any fantasy gig that a fan could have in their head would be far, far better than anything these two men came up with today if they reunited. In fact, there's an idea: a fantasy Smiths gig and what you would like to see played at it. Sure you could all come up with a few ideas, workable or otherwise.
People are always wanting what they can't have. It's a basic premise of persuasion: "scarcity".
I'll say it again. Give it two years, then you can buy the tickets.


Not a chance. I have more confidence in the Aztec Apocalypse in 2012 than I do in Morrissey and Marr playing together.

In all seriousness we each need to go and re-buy five copies each of every Smiths, Morrissey solo, and Johnny Marr post-Smiths project to ensure that these two are taken care of financially. Give the CDs away to orphans, use them to practice your skeet shooting, make a wall collage. Whatever. We just need to give these guys enough money that they won't be tempted to cash in later when concert promoters come calling.
What makes you say that Mr Skinny?

Just look at the interviews. As always, I could be wrong, but I don't recall either Marr or Morrissey explicitly saying they will never collaborate. The question is always "Will the Smiths reform?", and even then, the answer is never no. Chew off testicles is the strongest you'll get from Moz. Marr has never, to my knowledge, said it won't happen. Having said that, it would be a bit of a stretch to see Joyce on the scene. My scenario is that Morrissey takes a rest after the Swords tour, takes some time to get the autobiography finished and published, then he and Marr play some shows. The trajectory of Morrissey's career is leading to this. Don't go down to the bookies yet, but am I not the only one who sees this coming?

A lot of very sad individuals on and off this site still hold out for this pointless venture. They cross the line from being a real fan of great music to just being obsessives that hang on every word Moz says. It's creepy to say the least. Those that think this is a real possibility need to get a life of some sorts, not a great one just any life will do. It doesn't matter what Moz and Marr say to the press. This type of fan will not take no for an answer. What is it about the Smiths era that you need more of it? These are the same type of people that don't know when to leave a dinner party or when they are boring someone in a conversation.

Time to get over it :)
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Probably not serious (you never know with Moz fans) but:

It's "f***'s sake."

If I choose to make a portmanteau (i.e a third word out of joining two other words together) please don't correct me. I know exactly what I am saying and writing. Thanks for the grammar lesson though. Much unappreciated.
Not a chance. I have more confidence in the Aztec Apocalypse in 2012 than I do in Morrissey and Marr playing together.

In all seriousness we each need to go and re-buy five copies each of every Smiths, Morrissey solo, and Johnny Marr post-Smiths project to ensure that these two are taken care of financially. Give the CDs away to orphans, use them to practice your skeet shooting, make a wall collage. Whatever. We just need to give these guys enough money that they won't be tempted to cash in later when concert promoters come calling.

:lbf: I love that idea.
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