morrissey frink thread!

Wow. I think there needs to be a full length stop-motion knitted Morrissey movie. This is so tender and amazing to me. I'm in love.

You obviously weren't around a couple of years ago when we had the knitted Moz/Marr "Photo Love" magazine style story in pictures. :D It was extremely silly. Unfortunately, I can't remember which thread is was on.

Is he piercing himself with that needle? :eek:

Still, he's HAWT. The quiff alone is a work of art. Looks like real hair.

Nice moobs, too :p

His quiff is fab!

Don't worry. He's just adding a bit more moob-hair to bring himself up to date. I use purpose-made doll hair now; much more quiff=friendly than yarn.

Kate, your dolls are fabulous :D
It's the first older Mozzer, isn't it? It's amazing. I'm still in love with the first Mozzy/Marr I saw, back at LJ.

I updated my original prototype recently to grey him up, but yes, this is the first current-aged one I've tried.

Ah, memories, eh? :D

Thanks Sol for posting this.

What a lovely video.
So cute, so confident, yet so shy.

"I don't want to stuff Cilla!" :sweet:
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Thanks so much sol.

That just about killed me. :sweet: I love how much he loves to talk about music. :sweet:

I wonder what your significant others (the ones who have one) think of you wanting to make out with Morrissey? Or do you all keep it secret?
im sure her significant other have a crush on a certain female singer /actress etc as wellas she have on moz.
you know married people are not locked up:p I have heard:p

.there is a german saying : appetit kann man sich woanders holen aber gegessen wird zu hause
You can work up an appetite elsewhere, but dinner is consumed at home. which practically applies to "look at/flirt with other men/women but only XXXX with your partner..."
"its okay to flirt with others but dont forget your partner at home!
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