"The world won't listen" - statement from Morrissey at true-to-you.net

Re: The world won't listen - statement from Morrissey at true-to-you

People in power never give up power. Look at Assad - if you must; his dingbat wife continuing to smile and wave, wrapped in Fendi, as the people of Syria disappear into dust. It is the same shame that the British utilized whilst claiming ownership of the Malvinas by shooting anyone who stood in their way. How very brave. Imagine if Taiwan claimed the Isle of Wight. Yes, it is that silly. The Queen is conveniently said to have no political power, yet it would be impossible to imagine her government disagreeing with her if she elected to return the Malvinas to the Argentinian people, and although David Cameron is gung-ho ready to see more British and Argentinian boys die in battle for this odd bit of turf, he cannot see the richer intellect in simply returning the islands to their rightful owners. Yet Cameron is haughtily aghast when people run riot on the streets of Coventry stealing hair-dryers worth ten pounds. Outrage!
What is never considered is how the occupants of the Malvinas (who want to bask in the south seas whilst also having the benefit of the NHS, and who number only about 2,500) are quite satisfied to sit back and watch service personnel die defending their post box. Has such selfishness ever been known? What makes it all worth it?

Thank you to Russell Brand for standing up and speaking out in recent weeks. Like anyone who speaks out in modern Britain, he has been shot down. Nothing must interfere with the depressive psychosis of modern Britain, which has become a most violent and melancholic country, with no space for measured debate. Like Russell, I believe that the most powerful vote you can give is No Vote; for the days of Prime Ministers have gone, and it's time for a form of change that is far more meaningful than simply switching blue to red. The print media will only support people who do not matter and who are incapable of instigating thought - David 'rent-a-smile' Beckham; his wife - famous for having nothing to do; the dum dum dummies of the Katie Price set; the overweight Jamie 'Orrible, who tells us all how to eat correctly.
At what point did the dis-United Kingdom become a cabbagehead nation? Where is the rich intellect of debate? Where is our Maya Angelou, our James Baldwin, our Allen Ginsberg, our Anthony Burgess, our political and social reformers? At what point did the shatterbrained scatterbrains take over - with all leading British politicians suddenly looking like extras from Brideshead Revisited? Although it is clear to assess the Addams Family of SW1X as the utterly useless and embarrassing ambassadors of a sinking England, how can we effect change without being tear-gassed? In the absence of democracy, there is no way.

I write this without outburst; a staunch non-terrorist, quietly, calmly and composedly, as I mourn the loss of the land.

16 November 2013.
Morrissey's rant about royals aside every time I see this picture I just feel so unbearably sad. It just seems to personify the really worst and most tasteless aspects of humanity. We supposedly are so more highly evolved than other species and then we are faced with pictures of this. from time to time I see photos and images of animal cruelty and they always affect me but this one for reasons I can't quite elucidate this photo just makes me want to cry.

As Morrissey has noted I would love to see this woman hunt a magnificent animal such a s lion without a gun. That I would pay good money to see.
That picture with the lion is really sad and pathetic. I totally hate hunters who kill animals for fun. I am not a vegeterian, I eat meat but things like that are just awful.
"The world won't listen… to me. Poor stupid human beings, they would be happy if they lived as I tell them to". Well, I have listened to him during hundreds of pages and what have I learnt? That he would not get his A-level in English should he get back to school.
As always, Thank gawd for Morrissey, says it as it is, doesn't mince his words.
It's about time the "real people" in life get the limelight.
Most people depress me. Nobody thinks anymore, nobody engages anymore - everyone has their noses glued to mobile screens. Me, me, me attitudes, taking hundreds of me,me,me photos to post on social networks, desperate, desperate people. The Royals are vile in every way. Celebrities are desperate in everyway. Polititians are immoral in everyway.
Sheep, sheep, sheep following the flock.
Here we go again. Before people begin to bash me for criticizing Morrissey, let me state that I do not condone the killing of any animals; I am anti-hunting for sure.

However, Morrissey is doing one thing here--getting his name in the media so his book is brought up, so he can cash in on again, someone else.

Talk about some crazy ramblings by him--wow!

Agreed FAN.
He needs to get in the jungle in the thick of it and get his hands dirty if he wants to protect these animals (rightly so by the way) If he wants to be taken seriously.
Beckhams, Oliver, William, Harry, Pipa, Phillip, Anne, Ferry, Harvey, The British Falkland Isles, Cameron, Her Majesty ! We've it all before and yes the world isn't listening or to correct that statement the British people aren't listening, and why should they listen to a deluded idiot who doesn't even live in the UK and does nothing but slag it off ! If you don't like us don't look at us.
Sling your hook and take that Brand with you while your at it, your not welcome go live in the comfort of your L A apartments and let us hear no more. And let us hear no comments from thick Americans who know nothing about the British way of life while we're at it.
If you want to sell your book find some other way to do it instead of deluded rants. Why not go in the jungle with a film crew and save the lions, elephants and rhino ? Show us you really mean it and are committed to animals.
People might just listen then and take you seriously !!!

"Metal-Peru. . . . you plonker"

Well the picture of the dead lion is just too much to look at......thank you Moz
Cheers Moz
An almost considered statement. Almost. Our Man, who I believe to be genuinely passionate about the despicable slaughter of animals, once again veers off-topic to take a swipe at the Royal Family. The British aristocracy is lamentable - no argument. However, it is not only those in 'power' who wield the axe. To continually suggest this is disingenuous at best. His attempt to band-wagon 'politics' (Assad, Malvinas) in an attempt to stoke the flames of argument are so ill-considered it makes this reader wonder where the fire was.
I agree, that in a well written statement political and social background could have merit and lend weight, here it merely dilutes.

This is an OK statement that could, like the autobiography, have been excellent in the hands of someone with editing skills. As it stands the statement - a generic ramble rather than a focused dissension - will be 'picked-up' by the press merely because it lambasts named celebrities, and of course, socialites. This, of course, could be the point. If it is then this makes the statement little more than a mediocre attempt at bullying 'personalities'. Surely that is better left to the hateful UK tabloid press.

Morrissey. Don't stop releasing these statements they, I am sure, assist the cause in some way. I would suggest they would assist even further if they were specific in focus. My thought is that this is an opportunity missed. The 'personality' baiting is undignified in this instance. Perhaps to exorcise your 'personality crisis' you could release a statement that simply states: Those named below all support or are involved in .... (and then insert Fox Hunting, Grouse Shooting, etc.). You wouldn't be making any judgement (by doing this it will of course be a judgement but there would be no character assassination) per se, just a statement of fact.
Thank goodness Morrissey has finally made his views known about animal cruelty and the British royal family.

Morrissey is using attacks on the young royals to sell his book
Does anyone understand why he's mentioned the iconic owner of the jeans factory in Coronation Street? I can't work it out.
As always, Thank gawd for Morrissey, says it as it is, doesn't mince his words.
It's about time the "real people" in life get the limelight.
Most people depress me. Nobody thinks anymore, nobody engages anymore - everyone has their noses glued to mobile screens. Me, me, me attitudes, taking hundreds of me,me,me photos to post on social networks, desperate, desperate people. The Royals are vile in every way. Celebrities are desperate in everyway. Polititians are immoral in everyway.
Sheep, sheep, sheep following the flock.

Well said! so true. I get on this daily!!! Glad someone else agrees. Me me me pisses me right off.
You must be my age haha ha old git like me
I find it weird that people who usually have no problem giving money to the modern meat industry are suddenly going crazy because someone somewhere killed one animal. Compassion is great, but there's something hypocritical about the whole situation.
Does anyone understand why he's mentioned the iconic owner of the jeans factory in Coronation Street? I can't work it out.

Are you thinking of Mike Baldwin? Obviously, he's a fictional character from a British soap opera, so it would make no sense to include him in a list of noted American writers. Morrissey is, of course, not referring to him, but to his grandson, who went out with Leanne Battersby and drove taxis for Steve McDonald for a bit.
Agreed FAN.
He needs to get in the jungle in the thick of it and get his hands dirty if he wants to protect these animals (rightly so by the way) If he wants to be taken seriously.
Beckhams, Oliver, William, Harry, Pipa, Phillip, Anne, Ferry, Harvey, The British Falkland Isles, Cameron, Her Majesty ! We've it all before and yes the world isn't listening or to correct that statement the British people aren't listening, and why should they listen to a deluded idiot who doesn't even live in the UK and does nothing but slag it off ! If you don't like us don't look at us.
Sling your hook and take that Brand with you while your at it, your not welcome go live in the comfort of your L A apartments and let us hear no more. And let us hear no comments from thick Americans who know nothing about the British way of life while we're at it.
If you want to sell your book find some other way to do it instead of deluded rants. Why not go in the jungle with a film crew and save the lions, elephants and rhino ? Show us you really mean it and are committed to animals.
People might just listen then and take you seriously !!!

"Metal-Peru. . . . you plonker"

I believe lions, elephants and rhinos live on the savannah rather than in the jungle.
To the poster that suggested Morrissey made this statement in an effort to sell more books. I disagree.

Firstly, I think Moreissey is probably (secretly) surprised at how well his book has done. He doesn't need to do anything to increase the interest in it.

Secondly, and this is my main point, my initial thoughts about Moz's excellent statement were that he has chosen this time to call for a revolution precisely because his book did so well. He is more in the public spotlight than perhaps ever before, and sees it as a chance to get his message across and be heard by more...
"The world won't listen… to me. Poor stupid human beings, they would be happy if they lived as I tell them to". Well, I have listened to him during hundreds of pages and what have I learnt? That he would not get his A-level in English should he get back to school.

He'll be telling us not to eat turkey at Christmas next ! Citizen Smith/Moz "Power to the turkeys" :ha-no:
comments about morrissey posting this to sell books are foolish and thoughtless - not once does he mention his book.
further, he has made statements like this long before his book was published and will likely continue to do so long after. sales of his book have no correlation as a result.
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