
"You are a horse running alone
and he tries to tame you
compares you to an impossible highway
to a burning house
says you are blinding him
that he could never leave you
forget you
want anything but you
you dizzy him, you are unbearable
every woman before or after you
is doused in your name
you fill his mouth
his teeth ache with memory of taste
his body just a long shadow seeking yours
but you are always too intense
frightening in the way you want him
unashamed and sacrificial
he tells you that no man can live up to the one who
lives in your head
and you tried to change didn't you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake
but even when sleeping you could feel
him travelling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do love
split his head open?
you can't make homes out of human beings
someone should have already told you that
and if he wants to leave
then let him leave
you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love."

- Warsan Shire
"You are a horse running alone
and he tries to tame you
compares you to an impossible highway
to a burning house
says you are blinding him
that he could never leave you
forget you
want anything but you
you dizzy him, you are unbearable
every woman before or after you
is doused in your name
you fill his mouth
his teeth ache with memory of taste
his body just a long shadow seeking yours
but you are always too intense
frightening in the way you want him
unashamed and sacrificial
he tells you that no man can live up to the one who
lives in your head
and you tried to change didn't you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake
but even when sleeping you could feel
him travelling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do love
split his head open?
you can't make homes out of human beings
someone should have already told you that
and if he wants to leave
then let him leave
you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love."

- Warsan Shire

That was pretty good
Float like a big black cloud
Sting like sunny
Their guns can't hurt
What their hearts can't see.
"I'm here because I'm a chronic ball breaker. First, it's not like any other school would have me. Second, I wanted to disappear."
"But you're here" he said "we're all here"
"I can't argue with that"

From a book called end zone. Made me laugh as it reminded me of less than zero. A lot of delillos work reminds me of Ellis in some ways. Americana for sure
"It was a sinister thing to discover at such an age, that words can escape there meaning"

Another good one
You're there enshrined in memory where our friendship never died
We should indicted for the bullish!t incitin

Sellin children death and tellin em it's excitin
"I've been saying for forever

Hey, that's not me

But me with you is who I think I'll always be"

"It's gonna be how it is, there's some things you don't change

I'm done with telling myself that story"
Love isn't about seeking perfection, it is about sewing together random bits and pieces to make a quilt that keeps you warm at night.:sweet:
The world changes first in the mind of the man who wants to change it

Delill - falling man
You are the only person that i have any tenderness for. Your stories are the most interesting, your smell is intoxicating, your voice alluring. The question mark in my heart has not found it's answer.
I don't hate people. I just feel better when they are not around.
Throw caution to the wind, dance like a dervish, let two I's become We. You and I.
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