Morrissey sighting: Garbage concert (September 4, 2023)



Link to Garbage / Instagram story posted by Marsadjusted, original story from hannahmlondon / Instagram. Screenshot posted by Famous when dead:


Facebook reel posted by Marsadjusted:

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Morrissey seems to wear flares a lot these days.
Anyone else heard the rumour that he's seen the recent state of Shaun Ryder and thinks there'll be an opening as lead singer of the Happy Mondays coming up soon?
don’t mean to be a buzzkill for all you folks that still eat this stuff, but …..

‘Potato chips are considered a major cancer-causing snack, due to its production, preparation, and storage methods, Acrylamide is produced during its production process. There are almost no exceptions for the everyday snacks brands that we can buy from supermarkets. Carcinogens are ubiquitous and hard to prevent’.

Most food in supermarkets is not much better, ultra-processed, with now identified health risks. The everyday has become crazy and dangerous. If it's bad as is now being found out, selling it at all, like cigarettes, should be made a crime, although that would require everybody to take food more seriously and perhaps even muck in a little to produce it. Which many certainly are not ready for. Dilemma.

In the mid to late noughties I recall a rider that included broccoli, jalapenos and other fare. One topic lead to another recently whereby I eventually came upon a ridiculous uproar in 2014 about Morrissey's rider for Croatia, which included some kind of cheese rings. To see him with the bag of crisps at Garbage is a coincidence after that! He should have been guillotined or hung, according to some reactions. No saint or sage could meet such expectations for unwavering perfection. So what if he wrote songs about disappointments and falling short?! Hypocrite! Traitor! Human! It's about time for us all to cut each other some slack so we can make out the wood for the trees, and take the real bad actors to task.

On Shirley Manson's past twitter rant, I imagine she was making assumptions and reacting based on information available. Garbage in Garbage out! It's a regular thing now. We're all forced to become fact-checkers these days, which takes time, and even then... Understanding how news can be inaccurate would allow us to give people the benefit of the doubt, and possibly let misjudgements slide away harmlessly like water off a duck's back. As Morrissey seems to have done here. :love:
course she has,she forgets where she came from.
Are you not woke, gordyboy? Is it another word that's become common without people necessarily being clear about what it means? Can someone be woke in some areas and not in others? Is it possible to change? :)
I thought that was Damon, but you are probably right.
That means Damon is hiding behind his master and not visible, or not allowed to go backstage as he isn’t part of the band?

maybe Damon is not working for him anymore?
Looks like she started to use her brain and not follow the masses, she should really tweet an apology for being wrong in her judgements about Morrissey.

I wonder what her fans think of this flip, maybe they don’t think at all.

It’s nice, and a shame, at the same time.

Btw, he may have forgiven Shirley, but I will not forgive Morrissey for his diet of potato chips and those jeans!

I don't know, it looks like open hostility on her face towards the poor Mozzer! Just kidding around for the camera or....???

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Link to Garbage / Instagram story posted by Marsadjusted, original story from hannahmlondon / Instagram. Screenshot posted by Famous when dead:


Facebook reel posted by Marsadjusted:

The look on his face in the first picture! 🤣🤣🤣
Shirley posted a picture with Hannah Martin (jewelry designer) and Jesse a couple days ago on her story. Shirley and her husband are friends with Hannah, and Hannah appears to be friends with Jesse, so that may have been the connection to invite the whole band to the show.

I do think Shirley is a Smiths fan... she was very upset about Andy Rourke's death and has posted a couple videos of the Smiths and Morrissey solo here and there. She's constantly sharing content on Instagram.
Shirley, of course, creativity itself. I've always loved her daring looks, she's gorgeous!
I saw Garbage when they toured with the Smashing Pumpkins, I had 2nd row seats so I was up pretty close and she really is gorgeous in person.
Most food in supermarkets is not much better, ultra-processed, with now identified health risks. The everyday has become crazy and dangerous. If it's bad as is now being found out, selling it at all, like cigarettes, should be made a crime, although that would require everybody to take food more seriously and perhaps even muck in a little to produce it. Which many certainly are not ready for. Dilemma.
It’s about making money and taking advantage of the uneducated, basically. Also one gets the sneaky suspicion that the government doesn’t really want its citizens to be healthy and in turn.. happy.
In the mid to late noughties I recall a rider that included broccoli, jalapenos and other fare. One topic lead to another recently whereby I eventually came upon a ridiculous uproar in 2014 about Morrissey's rider for Croatia, which included some kind of cheese rings. To see him with the bag of crisps at Garbage is a coincidence after that! He should have been guillotined or hung, according to some reactions. No saint or sage could meet such expectations for unwavering perfection. So what if he wrote songs about disappointments and falling short?! Hypocrite! Traitor! Human! It's about time for us all to cut each other some slack so we can make out the wood for the trees, and take the real bad actors to task.
well, hmmm, yes exactly, which brings me to
On Shirley Manson's past twitter rant, I imagine she was making assumptions and reacting based on information available. Garbage in Garbage out! It's a regular thing now. We're all forced to become fact-checkers these days, which takes time, and even then... Understanding how news can be inaccurate would allow us to give people the benefit of the doubt, and possibly let misjudgements slide away harmlessly like water off a duck's back. As Morrissey seems to have done here. :love:

Again, you’re assuming Morrissey was even aware of her comments, this is something we don’t know. That’s not to say that he can’t be forgiving.

You think that if Morrissey posted strong criticisms publicly about Shirley, and then later he was seen kissing up to her, do you actually believe people on here wouldn’t be trying to rip Morrissey a new one? They would be saying shit like … ‘oh he’s taking a picture with her just to stay relevant. ’ Or they would say that .. ‘he must have been drinking when he posted that Central post against her, and has forgotten all about it’ etc, etc.

But no, Shirley gets a free pass here.

Yeah, yeah, forgiveness is nice, blah, blah, blah. But the thing is, I want her to stand her ground, and would have had more respect for her if she gave him the cold shoulder and refused a staged photo with him, to be honest.

Occasionally eating crisps won't harm you, but its not meant to be a main part of the diet, and if it is then the rest of it has to be healthy, greens, fresh bread and things like that. Some people can handle processed food better than others, like the effects of smoking. Its more about how things are made and where they come from, potatoes and and bit of oil and salt aren't cancer causing, its the additives and shelf life. I like 'nice' crisps, and I smoke very occasionally from nerves, I guess Morrissey likes crisps and has a beer occasionally. I don't think anyone thinks it would be good to just eat crisps and nothing else, one pack isn't going to have any impact. I'm more concerned about the pollution and mould in some of the flats I've looked at renting, and the thames tap water.

Morrissey is quite well off now, he probally has top medical care and lies in a infered sunbath like Michael Jackson and that zaps the cancer out and rebounds youth.

‘Everything in moderation, including moderation’

- Oscar Wilde
When it comes to session musicians, I hear they're supplied with the set-list and chords, and expected to do everything note perfect, with people they haven't met before, at the performance itself. This strikes me as inimical to the spirit of music
Pretty sure that's more a thing for recording sessions in a studio, not live performance. Extremely unlikely they just rock up to a tour without at least a couple of weeks rehearsal as a band under their belt. Even orchestras can't do that, and they literally read the music as they play. I know when Arctic Monkeys employed a string section for gigs on the AM tour they were well rehearsed in the numbers they played on.
I was not intending to re-open the conversation about Morrissey and the unfortunate things he said, but since it's been re-opened, I don't think Shirley Manson's comments were wrong and I don't think she owes Morrissey an apology. I do think he was aware of them since they were everywhere and that is why I remembered them and however they worked it out, good for them.
We don’t even know if Morrissey was aware of her shitty criticism of him. But for her to brush off her actions and kiss Morrissey’s ass when she finds herself in his presence isn’t a good look for her. After her strong words, you would think she was made of stronger stuff and would have stood by her words and the stance she took, or be a better person realize her mistake and make a public apology. Of course Consequence of Sound or Far Out will not question why she’s done this flip, as if her past criticism of Morrissey never happened. It’s fucking weird.
She is not kissing his ass, he went to see her band, he sought her out. He is backstage at HER concert. A lot of people who know her think very highly of her, it's Morrissey who is in need of friends these days.
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