"I can get incredibly erotic about blotting paper"

Nope, that's normal. Do you also sniff new books when you buy them? And fresh magazines? They're the printed equivalent of fresh laundry - Lovely!

I'm a new book sniffer as well. It is part of the whole reading experience. The touch of the paper, the weight or heft of the book itself, and the smell. I could never get one of those electronic reader/book thingies. It's just not right to me.
I'm a new book sniffer as well. It is part of the whole reading experience. The touch of the paper, the weight or heft of the book itself, and the smell. I could never get one of those electronic reader/book thingies. It's just not right to me.

Yeah - library books can be tricky too. I once got a book out that reeked of stale cigarette smoke. Had to take it back unread :(
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